


《心の故郷》© Rima Fujita 2018;ミクストメディア / 紙  “Home”  © Rima Fujita, 2018, Mixed media on paper ダラムサラのホテルのレストランで給仕してくれた女性の身の上話を聞いて  心を打たれたあと、夢に出てきたビジョン。女性の芯の強さ、寂しさ、  うれしさ、希望、遠く離れた家族へ寄せる愛情などが  複雑に混じり合った黒い瞳が忘れられない
《心の故郷》© Rima Fujita 2018;ミクストメディア / 紙 “Home”  © Rima Fujita, 2018, Mixed media on paper ダラムサラのホテルのレストランで給仕してくれた女性の身の上話を聞いて、心を打たれたあと、夢に出てきたビジョン。女性の芯の強さ、寂しさ、 うれしさ、希望、遠く離れた家族へ寄せる愛情などが 複雑に混じり合った黒い瞳が忘れられない

A vision that appeared in my dream after being touched by the personal story of the woman who waited on my table in a hotel restaurant in Dharamsala. I cannot forget the black eyes that bespoke a complex mixture of the inner fortitude of female endurance, loneliness, happiness, hope and the love for her family living far away.



―― For many years Rima Fujita has produced and delivered picture books to Tibetan refugee children. Asked to create a picture book about the 14th Dalai Lama’s life, she interviewed him in a frank and open conversation.

I am a painter, but the process in which I paint may be somewhat unusual. That is because I paint visions that appear in my dreams. I see in my dreams the completed paintings that are yet to be painted, and I bring these into being in the form of paintings. I also do not paint on white surfaces. The technique I follow is to add layers of color on a black background to allow lines to emerge where no colors are applied. It is akin to a sense of casting a light on something that already exists there. It cannot, however, be seen because it is too dark. There is another reason why I insist on black; I heard that mixing all the colors found in the afterlife produces an exquisite dark gray.

In 1993 I heard a voice in my dream commanding me, “Do what you can for Tibet.” After this dream, I had many encounters with Tibetans. I did not know what to do for a while, but one day a Tibetan refugee I had befriended told me, “In the refugee camp I grew up in there were no books, notebooks or pens... We had nothing.” This gave me the idea of making picture books and sending them to Tibetan refugee children. Since then, I have produced seven picture books written in Tibetan, and I have continued to send them to Tibetan refugees who live in India and Nepal. I have been doing this because I believe that language and stories form the core of a people’s identity. His Holiness the Dalai Lama (HHDL) was kind enough to write the foreword for my picture books. In the past 20 years, I have been so fortunate to have the opportunity to meet him every year in New York, Tokyo or elsewhere. Two years ago, I received the request from one of HHDL’s representatives to “make a picture book that portrays the life of HHDL.” I asked for an interview to hear about HHDL’s life to produce this book. However, due to his fatigue and for other reasons, many planned interviews were cancelled. When the right conditions came finally together, I decided to visit Dharamsala again.(インタビュアーの予想を覆した猊下の幼少時代とは?

SOURCE:「Special Interview with H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama Artist Rima Fujita’s Journal of Her Travels to Dharamsala」By T JAPAN New York Times Style Magazine  

The New York Times Style Magazine: Japanプロフィール画像
The New York Times Style Magazine: Japan

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