ウェンディが我々の元に戻ってきた。新緑が芽吹くように生き生きとした姿で。2014年にデビューした5人組のガールズグループ、Red Velvetのメンバーであるウェンディ。その澄み渡るようなボーカルと美しいビブラートは、デビュー以来、海を越え、聴く者の心をふるわせてきた。コロナ禍をはさみ、約1年半の充電期間を経て、2021年4月5日、1stソロアルバム『Like Water』をリリース。新たな門出を迎えた彼女に、現在の心境をインタビュー。
WENDY has come back to us with vitality like fresh green leaves sprouting in spring.
WENDY is a member of the 5-member girl group, Red Velvet, that debuted in 2014. Her transparent voice with beautiful vibrato has resonated with the souls of many listeners beyond the seas. With the Covid-19 pandemic in the interim, after 18 months of recharging her batteries, her first solo album “Like Water” was released on April 5, 2021. We interviewed her to ask about her current feelings at this new beginning.
期限が決まっていない中で待つことの大変さを分かっているからこそ、楽しく準備できた Knowing how hard it is to wait when there is no deadline, I had fun preparing this

――ソロアルバム『Like Water』は、ダブルタイトル曲『Like Water』と『When This Rain Stops』をはじめとした全5曲を収録。率直なメッセージが込められた感性溢れるアルバムに仕上がっていますね。
- Your solo album “Like Water” has a total of 5 songs, including two title songs, “Like Water” and “When This Rain Stops”. This album has a lot of feelings and a straightforward message, doesn’t it?
It has been a while since I’ve seen everyone, so I wanted to convey the feeling of “A New Greeting”. This album is full of my feelings of thanks towards many people including my fans and staff. Since I was born, of course including the time I took off, I have been receiving power from music. In the same way, I hope I could give energy and healing to people who listen to my songs. To be honest, I think it is like a massive ball of deep emotions and thankfulness….
Why do you say, “To be honest”?
制作中は、たくさんのことを考えて、悩んで、心配しながら毎日を過ごしていました。聴けば分かっていただけると思いますが、“ウェンディ”のライフストーリーを反映させた曲もあります。それがとても大きな感動でした。“こんな素晴らしい曲を私一人のために?”と。あの嬉しい衝撃はいまだに忘れられません。そうやって心を込めて作られたものが、アルバム『Like Water』なんです。
曲が届くまで、私が1人でステージに立った時のカラーは何色だろう、とも考えていました。でもいただいた曲を聴いて、やはり7年間ともにしてきたメンバーカラーでもあるブルーだなと改めて思いました。私のために作られた曲を私が歌い、それをアルバムに込める。待ってくれているReVeluv、日本ではReVeluv-Baby(Red Velvetのファンの総称)のために。最高に感動的だと思いませんか?
While I was producing this, I spent every day thinking and worrying about many things. I think you would understand if you listen to the songs, but some of them reflect “WENDY”’s life story. I was deeply moved. Like, “Such a lovely song, just for me?” I still remember that happy surprise. I put my heart into making this album, “Like Water”.
Until the songs arrived, I thought about what color I would use when I stood on stage alone. But after listening to the songs, I realized again that it should be blue, the color that has represented me for 7 years as a member. Singing the songs written for me and putting those feelings into the album for ReVeluv, who are waiting. Don’t you think this is so moving?

――自身の心情を表わしたタイトル曲、そしてメンバーのスルギさんが参加した『Best Friend』。収録された一曲一曲が、まるでウェンディさんが主人公の短編集のよう。自らの生き方とリンクするアルバムだけに、プレッシャーもあったと思いますが。
The tile song expressing your feelings, and another member, SEULGI, participating in “Best Friend”. Each song seems to be like a short novel with WENDY as the main character. We would imagine that you have felt pressure since this album is linked to your way of life?
About a year and half has passed since I last stood on stage to sing. My fans have constantly sent me love and support through SNS, but still, it must be tough to wait. Especially waiting when there is no clear date….Because I knew how hard it would have been, I had fun preparing this. Since we’ll soon meet again. To be totally honest about my feelings, all I want to do is to stand on stage right now. So, I felt really happy while I was working on the album.
“走り続けるのではなく、たまには休む時間を持ってもいいんだよ”と励ましてあげたい I want to encourage everyone that “You don’t have to keep on running all the time, and that it’s OK to take a break sometimes”

- It seems like the past year and a half has made your thoughts towards singing stronger and polished your positive spirit.
心が大きくなったのかな? その日に心配することはその日に、後で心配すればいいことは後で……そんなふうに生きてみたら、なんだかストレスが減った気がします。『When This Rain Stops』には、“時には少し休んでも大丈夫”という歌詞があるんです。だれでも少しは、ちょっとしんどいな、少し疲れたな、と感じる瞬間はありますよね。この曲を通して、“前だけを見て走り続けるのではなく、たまには休む時間を持ってもいいんだよ”と励ましてあげたいと思います。5曲とも自分の子どものように思えます。全部印象も違う。ウチの子はどの子もかわいいですよ。
I think I’ve become a broad-minded person. Keeping my worries for the day within that day, and worrying about things in the future when it comes…I think living like this has lessened my stress. “When This Rain Stops” has lyrics that say “It’s OK to stop and rest a bit”. Everyone has those moments when you feel a bit stressed, a little tired, don’t they? I want to encourage everyone with this song that “You don’t have to keep on focusing on things in front of you and running all the time, and that it’s OK to take a break sometimes”. All five songs feel like they are my children. They all leave different impressions. Each of my children is cute!
- How are the members supporting their group’s first solo debut, WENDY?
They frequently send me messages via mobile and have given me good feedback after listening to the songs. At the filming of the music video, they sent a load of chicken so that the whole staff could eat some. Once, they recorded my performance and just left after leaving comments (LOL). I felt supported and happy, but at the actual filming spot, I might have acted a bit coldly. I’m usually embarrassed to even check my own image on the monitor, so having all the other members watching while I am filming alone, was just too…I want to tell each of the 4 members that I’m actually, really, really grateful!
歌は冒険と幸せと無限の可能性をくれる Singing gives me a sense of adventure, happiness and limitless possibilities

- How much of your dream has come true with your solo debut, WENDY?
I don’t think that it is something I can decide. If the people who listen to my songs are deeply moved, healed, happy or feel the emotions in the song for even a moment, I think I’ll feel like my dream has come true, little by little.
- What is your current new dream?
アルバム制作中と同様、楽しい気持ちで初めてのソロステージに立つことです。映像やテレビなどで見てくださっている大勢の皆さんに、この幸福感や楽しさ、エネルギーが伝わってほしいと思っています。音楽以外でエネルギーを補給するには、糖分がおすすめですよ! 私は、すぐにつまめるような小さいものを、四六時中食べています(笑)。
It is to stand on stage alone for the first time with the same fun feeling I had when I was producing the album. I would like to convey this happiness, fun and energy to all the people watching the video and broadcast. Other than music for replenishing energy, I recommend sugar! I am constantly munching on small bites that are easy to eat (LOL)!

-We’ve heard that you like to cook.
I like to prepare food, but it takes such a long time. For example, if someone wants to eat dinner that I cooked, I would have to start cooking from that morning. I don’t mind because I would be cooking, but I think waiting the whole day would be hard, so if I need to cook, I must really put my mind to it.
-We think a lot of people would be able to wait a long time for a chance to eat a meal cooked by you, WENDY.
I think once or twice is OK, but more than that, I think no one can wait any more. And even if it takes time, I only make quite simple stuff…
――(笑)。最近暖かくなりましたよね! 春はスタートの季節といいますが、個人的にやってみようと思っていることはありますか?
-(LOL) We are getting some warmer days now! Spring is said to be a good season to start things, but do you have anything that you would like to try?
仕事以外ですよね? それであれば、歌うことです。
You mean something other than work, right? Then, that would be to sing.

――えっ!! 歌は仕事では……。
- But…I thought singing was your job?
Singing itself, I don’t think of it as work. I’ve always loved to sing since I was a child and that is why I became a singer. I feel stressed on the days that I couldn’t sing well, but on some days, I feel less stress by singing. On the days when I finish a stage performance after singing well, I feel very satisfied. And there is no end to getting better at singing. Singing is a hobby that I have had since I was young, and it brings new adventures to me every day. But that sense of happiness is different from what it was previously. I feel that I am sharing the happiness together with many people now. This is how singing is part of me.
- What are you most interested in right now?
I can’t wait until the album is released. I hope that my fans will like it, especially since I have been preparing it for a long time.

- Do you have any trouble sleeping because you get worried about it?
Recently, my problem is that I sleep too much. Sleeping and worrying about my new album being released are two separate problems (LOL).
- In the end, please give us a message for all the people who have been earnestly waiting for the release of this work.
未来が何も決まっていない状態で待つことは一番つらいと思います。約1年半、私を信じて応援して愛してくださって、そして待っていてくださって、心から感謝しています。私の1stソロアルバムはReVeluv-Babyのためのものです。楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。そしてRed Velvetとしての活動も楽しみにしてください。みなさんにとても会いたいです!
I think that waiting for something when nothing is decided for the future is the hardest thing to do. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for believing in me and supporting me, loving me, and waiting for me in that state for about a year and a half. My first solo album is for ReVeluv. I would be happy if you enjoy it. And please look forward to my activities in Red Velvet. I really want to see you all!
interview&text:Kaoru Nakagawa interpreting:Rie Nemoto