We are almost there…! SPUR November issue will finally be available on 23rd September. We’ve invited the special guests from 2gether The Series and named the feature as “The World of Two: Bright and Win”. Following the previous article, we are releasing another shot from the feature and special behind the scenes video clip (and you should watch it until the end).
photography: Nucha Jaitip
Here we go for another shot! Bright wears LOEWE’s pullover and Win wears Hermès’ turtleneck sweater. They have totally owned the comfortable, yet elegant styling like no one else could.
Their styling for this photoshoot ranged from simple chic style to fun mix and match of colourful patterned style. Don’t forget to check out how they have dressed! Not to mention that there’s also a photo of Bright where he holds a guitar; the very key item in 2gether The Series too.

そして今回こちらにて、撮影のバックショットを編集したスペシャルムービーも公開します! 日本のファンに向けたコメントにもご注目ください。
配信されていた続編「Still 2gether」も完結を迎えましたが、ウィンさん演じるタイン、ブライトさん演じるサラワットはまだまだ胸の中で存在感を増すばかり……。彼らの希望に満ちた未来を想像しつつ、おふたりにいつか日本で直接会えることも心から期待して。ファンの方、そしてタイのドラマを初めて知った!というSPUR読者の方にも、楽しんでもらえたらと思います。
Before you’ll be reaching the magazine contents, we have prepared an exclusive behind the scenes video clip down below. Enjoy!
Still 2gether, the special episodes of 2gether The Series has also come to an end, however, the presence of Sarawat and Tine played by Bright and Win only gets bigger in our heart as the day goes by… Not only dreaming about their bright and exciting journey ahead but also longing to meet them in real life in Japan too. We hope everyone including the fans and also those of you who have only been exposed to Thai series for the first time will enjoy our special feature. Thank you.
【SPUR11月号 訂正とお詫び】
SPUR11月号の特集記事「ブライトとウィン、ふたりの世界」において、写真のクレジット表記に誤りがありました。「撮影現場にてお互いを撮り合ったショット」として掲載した2枚の写真(それぞれPhoto by Bright、Photo by Winと記載/P212〜P213)は、おふたりではなく、他の方によって撮影されたものでした。この企画を心待ちにしてくださった皆様に、深くお詫び申し上げます。なお、電子版の同ページにつきましては、修正いたしました。
【Correction and Apologies in SPUR November Issue】
In the feature article of “The World of Two: Bright and Win”, we have mistakenly credited the photos of Bright and Win taken by other people as being taken by Bright and Win under the heading of ‘Photos taken by each other at shooting locations’ (Pg.212-Pg.213). We would like to deeply apologize to everyone who has been waiting for this feature. E-magazine will be available in the corrected version.
20th September, 2020
SPUR Magazine
cooperation: Yuri(@love_at_sundown)