


Photo : Getty Images



A statue of Diana, Princess of Wales will be erected in the grounds of Kensington Palace at the request of her sons, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry. The Princes have convened a committee to commission and privately raise funds for the creation of the statue. This committee will advise on the selection of the sculptor and will work with Historic Royal Palaces on the statue's installation in the public gardens at Kensington Palace. The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry said: "It has been twenty years since our mother's death and the time is right to recognise her positive impact in the UK and around the world with a permanent statue. "Our mother touched so many lives. We hope the statue will help all those who visit Kensington Palace to reflect on her life and her legacy." While the sculpting of the statue will begin soon, it is not currently possible to advise when it will be unveiled. It is hoped that this will occur before the end of 2017. Further announcements on the statue's sculptor and design will be made in due course.

Kensington Palaceさん(@kensingtonroyal)が投稿した写真 -


ウィリアム王子はつい先日も、親族を亡くした子どもを支えるチャリティ団体「Child Bereavement UK」を訪れた際に、ガンで父親を失った女の子に親身に話しかける様子が報道されたばかり。父親の死に向き合う女児に対して「まだ幼かった頃、僕もママを失ったんだよ」と語りかけ、「パパのことを話しているかい? ちゃんと話すことが、とても大事なんだ」と、自身の経験によるアドバイスをしていた。

Photo : Getty Images


Photo : Getty Images