松陰神社前のシンボリックなビストロが、経堂の商店街にリニューアルオープン! 以前入店していた建物が老朽化により惜しまれつつも解体となり、ほど近いエリアへ引っ越した。ワインは自然派、生鮮食材のほとんどは産直で仕入れ、乾物やスパイスもオーガニックにこだわる。志の高い生産者を積極的に採用するシェフの品田大輔さんとソムリエの清原奈那子さんの姿勢は新店でも変わらない。フレンチベースの料理はランチもディナーもプリフィックスコースで提供され、旬産旬消を心がけ、食材ありきでメニューを決定。とりわけ野菜は作り手の状況にゆだねているのでシェフも当日まで何が届くかはわからないそうだが、それもまた楽しんでいる雰囲気だ。極力シンプルに調理して素材のよさを引き出し、確かな技術でゲストをもてなす。最高のひと皿がここにある。
The casual French dining featuring in-season food, prepared by the passionate chef.
The well-known bistro in Shoin-jinja-mae moved to this shopping arcade in Kyodo. The last building was demolished due to the deterioration, and they decided to relocate to this neighboring area. They serve natural wines. They buy most of the fresh produce at the farmer's market, and they use organic dried food and spices. The chef Daisuke Shinada and the sommelier Nanako Kiyohara keep their policy to buy from aspiring farmers. The French-base cuisine are served as prix fixe for both lunch and dinner. To serve what's good in the season, the menu is determined according to the ingredients they get. The vegetables are hand-picked by farmers and even the chef doesn't know what he gets until it arrives. However, he seems to enjoy that as well. He cooks as simple as possible to bring out the potential of ingredients while his genuine techniques entertain the guests. You can find the best food here. Many new businesses are opening and trending!