【奥中野】老舗も新店もひしめく迷宮商店街【ニッチな東京ガイド】|Tokyo Guide : Oku-Nakano ("Hidden Nakano")


ここでは、中野駅の北に広がる奥中野エリアにフィーチャー。16世紀から続く「新井薬師 梅照院」の門前へ延びる薬師あいロード商店街を中心に6軒を巡る

Oku-Nakano ("Hidden Nakano"):Maze-like shopping arcade with both traditional and modern shops

Featuring the trending neighborhoods with vibrant and attractive vibe. 

The major towns are not the only charms of Tokyo. We will feature not only the trendy towns with new businesses,but also, the chill towns with traditions. Explore the hidden neighborhoods of Tokyo and find your favorite! 

Oku-Nakano is located north of Nakano Station. We will feature six shops along Yakushi Ai Road Shopping Street, which leads to the gate of Araiyakushi-Baishouin established in the 16th century.