感度の高いショップが集まる羽根木エリアの一角に昨年末オープンした眼鏡店で、とっておきのアイウェアをチェック! オーナーの宮川佑介さんは、眼鏡業界でキャリアを積んだスペシャリストでコロナ禍を経て独立。眼鏡はサイズさえ合えばどんな形でもかけこなせる。なりたい自分のイメージを優先すべきだからこそ、ヒアリングが欠かせないと語る。さらに検査や調整にも時間がかかることから店内はリビングルームのような寛げる空間に。ヨーロッパの最旬ブランドからヴィンテージまで揃い、周りとかぶらないおしゃれなアイテムに出合える。
You will find your best self with the glasses here.
At the end of last year, this optical shop opened on the corner of Hanegi where many trending shops are opening. You will find your favorite eyewear here! The owner Yusuke Miyagawa is an expert who worked in eyewear industry for long time. During the pandemic, he opened his own shop. He says you can look good in any shape of glasses if they fit. He listens to the customers carefully because he thinks the customers should think about how they want to look in the first place. The shop is furnished like a cozy living room because the testing and adjustments take time. They have both the trending brands from Europe and the vintage glasses. You will find something unique and fashionable here.