ここ数年フーディーたちの注目を集めるネオ日本橋エリアで、盛り上がりの中心となっているビストロ「Neki」。その西恭平シェフによる新店が、早くもホットな食アドレスに! 以前から西さんがやりたいと思っていた薪火料理、ピザをメニューに加えたのは界隈で暮らす人が日常使いできるカジュアルな店舗にしたかったからだという。香りと火力、薪窯のよさを生かした調理は、手を加えすぎずに素材の最大限のおいしさを引き出す。その分食材選びにはこだわり、信頼を寄せる農園から仕入れている。とはいえ味わいも盛りつけも繊細。薪火のイメージを覆す食体験をしに出かけて。
The notable chef's new restaurant amazes foodies with wood-fired oven cuisine.
Bistro Neki has been leading the resurgence in popularity of Nihonbashi neighborhood among foodies past few years. The chef Kyohei Nishi opened this new restaurant and it quickly gained popularity! To make this restaurant the casual go-to choose of locals, he decided to feature wood-fired oven cuisine and pizza, which he always wanted to do. The smell and high heat of the oven bring out the potential of ingredients without doing too much. For that reason, the chef carefully picks the ingredients and sources them from the farms he trusts. Although it is simple, the flavoring and the dishing are delicate work of art. This bistro will change your perception of wood-fired oven.