三鷹市民の憩いの場として愛される、国立天文台 三鷹キャンパス。緑豊かな敷地内には、竹林や桜並木も広がり、春になると花見に訪れる人も多いという。天文台が三鷹に移転してきた頃の、大正から昭和初期にかけての建築を楽しめる場所としても知られる。三鷹キャンパスで現存最古の「第一赤道儀室」は1921年に完成し、機能性をそのまま形にしたモダンな建物。国の登録有形文化財になっており、見学コース内の人気の建物のひとつだ。ほかにも敷地内には大正ロマンを感じさせる建物の数々が。太陽系を140億分の1に縮小した展示を楽しめる「太陽系ウォーク」など、散策しながら天体を身近に感じられる場所だ。
A perfect spot to walk in nature and learn about the stars.
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Mitaka Campus is a chill place loved by locals. The campus is full of nature. They have bamboo forests and cherry blossom trees, which people come to see in spring. It is also known as a good place to observe the architectural designs between 1910s and 1920s, when the Observatory moved to Mitaka. The oldest building standing in the campus is Twenty-centimeter Telescope Dome, built in 1921. The classic design focuses on its functionality. The Registered Tangible Cultural Properties is one of the most popular buildings in the visitor course. There are many buildings in the campus with 1910s to 1920s architecture style. They also have the exhibit called "Solar System Walk," which is one-fourteen-billionth scale solar system model. You can walk around and learn about the stars here.